saki: birds of a different feather
october 30, 2021–january 23, 2022
Artist Saki presents an assortment of fabulous rockstar-inspired dioramas, each presenting a character inspired by a species of bird. Saki says, “Sexual dimorphism, though prevalent in the animal kingdom, is perhaps most visually striking and recognizable in birds. Peacocks, parrots, birds-of-paradise—it's always the males who get all dolled up, sing, dance, and bend over backwards for a chance to prove themselves worthy of a mate.
So, what’s up, humans? When we think of fashion, beauty, red carpet glam—it's usually women who come to mind. It’s time for change. It's time for men to step it up. The modern woman doesn't just get pretty, she also gets an education and a job. So if modern man wants to keep up, he'll have to bring something extra to the table.
It’s time to step outside of the classic three piece suit and into something a little more fabulous.”
Saki is an artist of many trades. After getting degrees in both music and molecular biology, Saki went on to work in restaurants to pursue a love of culinary arts. After quitting restaurants, Saki worked in a genomics biotech company for several years while also running a vegan bakery and performing keyboards with a couple of local rock bands. It was during this time that Saki developed a passion for costume design, with an emphasis on stage performance and audio-visual integration. During “The Great Lockdown” of the COVID-19 pandemic, Saki dove into writing music and released an album, Solitaire for Two.
Saki was selected for this exhibition as one of the Juror's Choice winners from OMA’s virtual art fashion event in 2020, Night of the Living Art: An Art After Dark Extravaganza. Take a look at the replay here, with Saki's artwork featured at 43 minutes 16 seconds and 1 hour 27 minutes 19 seconds.
Click here to see the artist’s website.
Exhibition Celebration, Saturday, November 20, 2021
Header artwork: Cuckoo fabric pattern (detail) by Saki
If you would like to learn more about the artwork, including if the artist has work available to purchase, please email exhibitions@oma-online.org.