Isolation INspiration
What’s Your #IsolationInspiration?
As everyone adjusts to the restrictions of living and working in isolation, OMA is calling on the support of the artist community to share their own personal sources of inspiration during this strange and unprecedented time. Share your #IsolationInspiration with the OMA community:
- Show what you're working on now.
- How is the change in your daily life affecting your creative process?
- What are some #LifeHacks you've been using to stay productive?
- Record a brief video (two minutes or less) of yourself at work and a snapshot or two of your newest works or work in progress.
- Once you've finished, send your video and photos to Katie Dolgov and have your inspirations shared via OMA’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.
Click here to check out the Isolation Inspirations Flickr album.
Click here to check out the Isolation Inspirations YouTube playlist.
Send Your #IsolationInspiration To OMA
Click here to email your #IsolationInspiration content to OMA.