2020—A Year Of Gratitude
Your participation brings the OMA community closer together and your gifts of time and talent in 2020 are fulfilling and heartfelt—thank you! It was a year that showed how it takes all of us to share, each in their own way, to keep the arts vibrant for all to enjoy.
With the outpouring of support, OMA continues to bring inspired programming into your homes even during a global pandemic. The loyalty of donor-level members, donor gifts large and small, and the generosity of the philanthropic community including area foundations helped fuel a year of creativity. Artists made a difference during a year of uncertainty, too. Artists offered their talent in the Art Auction—raising funds for future exhibitions. They also contributed to the local artist economy while supporting education programs for local youth through Teeny Tiny Art Mart.
On behalf of all of us at OMA, we thank the entire community. We look forward to the time when we will gather together face-to-face again to share the beauty of art for our individual and collective well-being, and continue to #MuseumFromHome in the meantime.
All donations, including donor level members, major gifts, and bequests, as well as in-kind donations from the artist community received by December 31, 2020 are listed below. If your gift came in later, we thank you too! If you are not listed or need a correction to be made for any reason, please contact Erika Williams at development@oma-online.org.
264 Fresco Ristorante
Terri Abelar
Irene Abraham and Gabriel Vogeli
Diane K. Adams
Dan Adams
David Adey
Marilyn Agredano
Elizabeth Aguiar
Andrew Alcasid
Karen Alexander
H. Clay and Paula Alexander
Jackie Leigh Allen
Sissy Alsabrook
Ken and Deena Altman
Angela Amundson
Susan Andrews
Dean Andrews
Andrea Antonorsi
Jason Arbizu
Helena Armandula
Nancy Arms
David and Jan Arnold
Susan Ashley
Valorie Ashley
Antonios Aspromourgos
Susan Attard
Mohammad Aziz
Alexandra Babic
Andrea Bacal
Deborah Bair
Tokeli Baker
Cheryl Baldwin
Linda Banks
Linda Bannan
Dagny Barnum
Charlene Baron
Colleen Barrett
Emily Bartolone
Dia Bassett
Gwendolyn Bates of GFASH, LLC
Beach Terrace Inn
Bellus Academy
Pamela Benham
Isa Beniston
Caroline Benkendorf
Malena Bennett
Karen Bennick
Arden and Carolyn Bercovitz
David Berke
Barbara Berlack
Nancy Bessey
Jim Beyster
Bianca Juarez Charitable Fund
Rita Bierman
William Biggs
Charles Bird
Charlotte Bird
Bill and Linda Birnie
Black Sheep Yarn Shop
Shannon Blemberg
Kevin and Joan Bockman
Thomas Boggs
Stephania Bommarito
Max and Ellen Borseth
Doreen Borseth
Kent and Heidi Borsch
Thomas Bosworth
Van Ray Botts
Janet Boyle
Bonnie Bradford
Shannon Bradley
Linda Bray
Jack Breyer
Sarah Bricke
Althea Brimm
Daniel P. Brogan
Neil Brooks
Audra Brousseau
Gregory Brown
Willie C. and Manuelita Brown
Pat Brown
Scott Bruckner
Jamie Burkhalter
Jean Burns
Amy Caillouette
California Arts Council
California Humanities
Maureen Calvin
Dan Camp
Janell Cannon
Mary S. Cappadonna
Diana Carey
J. David Carlson
Kevin and Julie Carnes
Sarah Casey
Elizabeth Castle
Carlos Castrejon
Matthew and Patricia Caulfield
Denise Cerro
Tanya and Tony Chahal
Emmanuelle Chammah
Kathleen Chan
Joyce Chaney
David Chang
Sandra L. Chanis and John H. Cadman
Marie Chapian
Taylor Chapin
Jennifer Chapin
Catherine Charles
Andrea Chatwood
Richard ChauDavis
Margaret Chen
Carol Childs
Judith Christensen
Jim Christensen
Carol Churchill
City of Oceanside
Christopher Clevering
CND, Inc.
Larry and Frances Cochran
Charles and Monica Cochrane
Mark and Roberta Meyer Cohen
Michael Cohen
Sheri Cohen
Renee Cohen
Deron Cohen
Cindy Cole
Bob Coletti
Maureen Colvin
Kay Colvin
Cecilia Conover
Christopher Conroe
Christina Conway
Jason Cook
Skip Coomber of Coomber Craft Wines
Richard Cooper
Erin Corbin
Lael Corbin
Lyn Corder
Zach Cordner
MaryBeth Corwin
Carol Cottone
Carol Coulson
County of San Diego
Josephine D. Coyle
Ashlyn Craig
Carroll Crannell
Janet Crawford
Janice L. Crocker
Carolynn Crooks-Mueller
Roland (Rolly) Crump
Sarah Culver
Lisa Curry
Robert Curry
Thomas and Constance Curtin
Joe and Lani Curtis
David Cuzick
Francoise Dahod
Kevin Daly
John D. Daniel
Megan Darrough
Alyssa Davis
Silvia de Alba
Karin De Baay
Einar and Jamex de la Torre
Gilma De Quattro
Irene De Watteville
Michelle D'Elia
Morgan DeLuna
Suzanne Demong
Kathy Dewbre
Andrea Di Marco
Wyn Di Stefano
Ellen Dieter
Bram and Sandra Dijkstra
John Dillemuth
Alexandra Dillon
Darrell and Loren Dixon
Karla Dominguez
Tim and Rosalyn Dong
Fred Elledge
Paula Doss and Beth Epperson
Erik Douglas
Jim Douglas
Robin Douglas and Jim Mullady
Jeanine Dreifuss
Jaime Dreyfus
Jeanne Dunn
Patricia Dunne
Becca Dwyer
Steve Eilenberg and Marie Tartar
Dimitri Eisenberg
Jeanette Eland
Emma Eland
Elizabeth Ellis
Teresa Ellis
Kayla Espinosa
EventAVision, Inc.
Rachelle Farber
Fashion Week San Diego
Terry Felix
Don Fike
Barbara Fischer
Mary M. Fisher
Bena Fisher
Kelly Fisher
Rachel Flamholz
Jeorge Flores
Juan Flores
Katie Flores
Derek A. Floyd
Mary Foote
Sharon Ford
Nancy Forderer
Matt Forderer
Andrea Forgnone
Marco Franchina
Kirsten Francis
Parker Franco
Howard Franco
Barbara Frangas
Carl Fredericks
Janine Free
Wes French
Helen Frey
Daniel Frey
Annette Friedlein
Frontwave Credit Union
Carolyn Funes
Hal and Pamela Fuson
Genentech, Inc.
Helen Galnick
Nikita Ganatra
Joanne G. Garcia
Judith Quinn Garnett
Margaret Gavillet
Rita Geldert
Jennifer Georgescu
Sean-Michael Gettys
Polly Jacobs Giacchina
Phyllis Gifford
Le Gillen
Elizabeth Gilpin
Amy Ginnow and Andree Morin
Gigi Gleason
Sue Gold
Glenda K. Goldberg
Tamara Golden and Douglas Alp
Ann Golumbbuk
Michelle Gonzales and Gary Gurian
Angela Gonzalez
Network For Good
George Goodrich
Judith Grace
Wendy Graham
Carolynn Grant
George Grant
Henry Grant
Neal and Margaret Grant
Cathrine Greene
Cheryl Griffiths
Michael Gross
Karl F. Grusendorf
Sandy Guendert
Jeri Gustafsson
Becky Guttin
Nancy Hacker
Adrianne Hakes
Gloria and Robert Hall
Lu Ann Hall and Alan Sweet
Kathleen Hamilton
Lane Hammond
Zia Hance
Heidi Hancox
Allyson Handley
Bonnie Hanlon
Pat Hansen
Johanna and Don Whisman Hansen
Kimberley Hansler
Jerry Harder
Julie Harris
Susan Hart
Gay Hart-Brewer
Karen Hartnett
Elaine Harvey
Randy L . Harwood
Larry and Carthie Hatter
Joyce Hayes
Patricia Haynes
Linda Heald
Devon Hedding
Mary Held-Manley
Robert Hemphill and Leah Bissonette
Bobbie Henry
Wain Hester
Ann Hickey
San Hicks
Gisela Hill
Lynne Hodgman
Dolores Hofmann
Diane Holtz
Louis and Beverly Holtz
Lin Holzinger
Howard Charitable Foundation
Bosko Hrnjak
James Hubbell
Mary K. Kiel Huff
Kristi Hughes
Adriene Hughes
Sherry Hutson
John Hyland
Ricki Ingersoll
Alison St. John Inglis
Kevin Inman
Beliz Iristay
Jeff Irwin
Angela Jackson
Madeleine Jacot-Carter
Mary Jamison
Jazzercise, Inc.
Patty Jenkins
Steven and Lynn Jepsen
Alina Jesinoski
Olivia Jesinoski
Jewish Community Foundation
Connie Johnson
Connor Johnson
Heather Johnson
Kate Joiner
Austin John Jones
Mandy Jouan
Rhona Juengst
Grace Kalberer
Kelly Kanaster
Sherry Karver
Gabriel Kasor
Amanda Kazemi
Kenneth Kebow
Mark Kelegian
Paul and Pamela Kelly
Anna Kelso
Kirby Kendrick and Robert Robert McLeod
Lorraine Kent
Jerry and Blake Kern
Brian Kesinger
Mikey Kettinger
Drei and Julia Kiel
Pat Killen
Samantha Kinsey
Cuauhtemoc Q. Kish
Thomas Klein
Debby and Larry Kline
Suzanne Knauf
Susan Kogan
Vicki Krivoski
Karen Krugman
Judy La Bounty
Sue Ladouceur
Susan Lafica
Aleya Lanteigne
Grace E. Larsen
Las Patronas
Michelle Skaggs Lawrence
Susan Lazear
Kathleen Lees
Laura Lehman
Annie Lemoux
J. J. L’Heureux
Kurt Lightfoot
Kathleen Lindemann
Jessica Lindzy
John Linthurst
Robin J. Lipman
Renetta Lloyd
Angeline (Mimi) Lobrucherie
Chuck Lowery
Jennifer Luce
Carolyn Lyndes
Yvette Lyons
Francine Lypps
Mark Mahigian
Trinh Mai
MainStreet Oceanside
Hamid Maleki
Kelly Mallaby
Donna Mallen
Malotte and Rae
Templeton Mangang
Niels Manley
Carol Mansfield
Rafael Mareyna-Fallo
Renee Maricque
Alexia and Ray Markarian
Susan Maroko
Skyler Martin
Manny Martinez
Kazmier Maslanka
John Massey
Valentina May
Richard Mayer
Patricia McArdle
Kathleen McCabe
Nelda McComb
Kathleen McCord
John and Michele McCoy
Josie McDaniel
Jere McInerney
Bonnie McKean
Christine McKee
Vic McKellips
Donna McLaughlin
Nancy McMonigal
Phyllis McNeese
Dan McStocker
Dorine Meade
Melissa Meier
Matthew Meinhardt
Citli Mejia
Paula Mendell
Jill Meyerhofer
Michele Michaels
Marilyn Micheau
Matthew Mielczarek
Beata Edyta Mierzwa
Rita Miglioli
Laurie Mika
Erika Mikelatos
Yevgeniya Mikhailik
Ray Miller
Catherine Milne
A. Fenner Milton
David Milton
Judi Sheppard Missett
Jeff Mitchell
Lori Mitchell
Donald Mohr
Jean Molentin
Natalie Monet
Christiann Moore
Beatriz Mora-Hussar
Lorna Morck
Jack Morgan
Maidy Morhous
Allan Morrow
Susan Morse
Bruce and Ann Mortland
Gillian Moss
Andrea Mota
Clelia Mouzaki
Move Your Feet Before You Eat! Foundation
Anne Mudge
Gilman W. Mueck
Katherine Mulderrig
Garna Muller
Rollie Munger
Kisti Murray
Laurie Mutalipassi
Yvonne Muzzy
Deborah Myers
Helen Neal
Rebecca Nebert
Claudia Nedrow
Annalise Neil
Joani Nelson
Patty Nelson-Miller
Ron Newby and Beverly Boggs
Richard and Margie Newell
Barbara Newnham
Bryce and Kyrstin Nihill
Stacy Nixon
Marjorie Nodelman
Jane Norris
Nancy Norris
Dan Nougier
Sharon Nowling
Billie Nunan
Katie Nunan
Leonard Ozerkis and Arleene Antin
Oceanside Beach Resort, LLC
Oceanside Chamber of Commerce
Christyl O’Flaherty
Colleen O’Harra
Gary Old
Wil Oldaker
Jami Oliver
Annie Omens
Marc Ordman
Rick and Sarah Rorick Orlando
Marty Ornish
Pat O'Rourke
Marcelle Ortiz
Susan J. Osborn
Kathleen Ossiander
Larry Oviatt
Kate Palese
Pamela Palmer-Lowe
George Papciak
Edward Parish and Anne Speraw
Vaugn I. Parsons
Paul Bechtner Foundation
Taylor Payne
Walt Peale and Sarah Slocum
Sally Pearce
Marianne Pekala
Shirley Pentoney
Andrew and Kathy Perry
Ilona Peteris
Kathryn Peterson
Steven Peterson
Linda Phillips
Fiona Phillips
D.J. Piacentini
Ernie Pick
Robert and Darlene Pickrel
Cerellita Pinote
Kathy Piper
Janet Placido
Mary Poniatowski
Susan Posner
Pratt Memorial Fund at Union Bank
Price Philanthropies Foundation
Pro-Cal Lighting, Inc.
Vickie Prosser
Scott Purdy
Andrea Rae
Ralphs Grocery Company
Carolyn Ramberg
Tiffany Rami
Marcos Ramírez ERRE
Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
Satya (Leela) Ras
Elizabeth Reagan
Suzanne Reed
Marion T. Reid
K. Brooks Reid
Gail Reisman
Allison Renshaw
ResMed Foundation
Joyce and Glenn Reynolds
Edith Richman
Tara Ritacco
Becky Robbins
Susan Robershaw
Colin Roberts
Richard and Patricia Robertson
Rick and Cheryl Robinson
Claudia Robinson
Barry Robson
Elaine Roden
Daniel Rodriguez
Kaleigh Rodriguez
Peter and Deborah Rogers
Jan Rolston
Marty and Mary Rombotis
Julio M Romero
Kelli Romo
Sueanne Rorick
James Rosenfield
Karrie Ross
Bonnie Roth
Doris Roth
Bridget Rountree
June Rubin
Jerry and Pat Rugg
Katie Ruiz
Barbara Runge
Tania Russell
Kendra Saad
Deanne Sabeck
Mary Salvato
Samuel I. and John Henry Fox Foundation
Michel Samuels
San Diego County Auditor and Controller
Elizabeth Sanderson
Liz Sanz
Brooke Sauer
Carmen Saunders
Kerri Sawyer
Barbara Scanlon
Michele Scanlon
Gail Schneider
James Schroder
Fred Schwarzenbach
Larry Sears
Margaret Seeley
Sempra Energy Foundation
Seth Sprague Educational & Charitable Foundation
Liz Sharp
Laurie Sheahan
Aaron Shebest
Evelyn Sheffres
Jesse Shelmire
Lola Sherman
Madeline Sherry
Darlene Shiley
Lori Short
Jari Simmons
Anita Simons
Ving Simpson
Marvin Sippel and Mary Scherr
Michael Slavinski
Martha Sloan
Gwen Small
Beth Smith
Sheri Smith
Pam Smith
Lisa Smith
Richard Smith
Judy Sonnet
Karyn Sontag
Vita Sorrentino
Jessica Spargur
Don Spargur
Kitty Sparrow
Nancy Spieczny
Lucy Stefanko
Corrine Steiger
William Stern
Richard Sterrett
Peggy Stokes
Michelle Stone Leslie
Lyndelle Stonik
Gael and Jan Strack
Victoria Strand
Christine Straton
Robert and Sandra McLean Stratton
Beverly Stuber
Peggy Sue
Joan Suffredini
Michael Summers
Soo Sung
Tami Sutter
Raymond Sutton
Robert Svendsen and Jill Treadwell
Swarovski North America
Sandra Sweeney
Mary Tabar
Cheryl Tall
Liselotte Tan
Stephanie Tarkington
TD Ameritrade, Inc.
Dominique Tecotzky
Jean Tempke
Jim Terry
That Boy Good Southern BBQ Joint
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
The San Diego Foundation
Scott Thomas
Kaye Thompson
Mel Tillman
Patricia Tirona
Patricia Titus
Claudia Troisi
Deborah Truesdell
Pasha Turley
Judy Updegraff
Heather Urquhart
Lito Vales
Cedric Van Eenoo
Rudy and Elizabeth Van Hunnick
Jolie Van Schoole
Trish Vernazza
Jennifer K. Victor
Visit Oceanside, Inc.
Humberto and Yolanda Viveros
Larry Vogel
Tami Von Merta
Jennifer Wallace
Ruth Wallen
Danielle Giudici Wallis
Beverly Walsh
Mary Walshok
Walter and Betty Zable Foundation
Sybil Ward
Michael Ward
Matt Waters
Rebecca Webb
Paul and Margene Weber
Cheryl Weiner
Peter and Janet Weiss
Janice Westman
Corey White
Britta Wilder
Stephen M. Wilkens
Erika Danina Williams
Knox Williams
Susan Williams
Brady Willmott
Regina Wilson and Dave Wodehouse
Marie Wilson
Suzanne Lemieux Wilson
Rowland B. Wilson
Rachael B. Wilson
Wilna Wolf
Haley Wonsley
Gigi Woodward
Naimeh Woodward
Yarning for You
Toul Yoots
Mary Jo Young
Irene Steil Young
John Young
Your Cause, LLC
LaRetta Small Zamora
Alan Zeleznikar
Sadie Zellar
Danielle Zhang
Terri Zimdars
Milligrad Zimdars