Your Generosity Means The World To Us At OMA
Thank you! As OMA continues to grow, the support of members, donors, and sponsors makes a vital difference as the community continues to come and connect with one another through stellar exhibitions, remarkable education programs, and engaging events. The incredible generosity is what keeps fostering new ideas and supporting the connections that make OMA such a vital hub for creativity in the region.
Donations, membership donations, and major gifts and bequests of $1,000 or above received as of December 16, 2019 are listed below. Please note, if your gift came in later, we thank you too!
Irene Abraham and Gabriel Vogeli
Marilyn Agredano
H. Clay and Paula Alexander
Ken and Deena Altman
David and Jan Arnold
Beach Terrace Inn
Malena Bennett
Bill and Linda Birnie
Blue Rock Software
Karen Bond
Kent Borsch at Edward Jones Financial
Van Ray Botts
Rebecca Brown and Ed Rose
Jean Burns
California Arts Council
Sonja Carlin
and Jesus De La Trinidad
Adam and Jennifer Carr
Matthew and Patricia Caulfield
Sandra Chanis
and John Cadman
City of Oceanside
Christopher Clevering
Larry and Frances Cochran
Jeremy and Hilda Cohen
County of San Diego
Creative Planning Foundation
Thomas and Constance Curtin
Joe and Lani Curtis
Datron World Communications
Nazeli Dertsakian
Bram and Sandra Dijkstra
Darrell and Loren Dixon
Paula Doss and Beth Epperson
Robin Douglas and Jim Mullady
Fred Elledge
James and Kim Faust
Carl Fredericks
Helen Frey
Frontwave Credit Union
Genentech, Inc.
Amy Ginnow and Andree Morin
Gigi Gleason
Golden Journeys Travel
Michelle Gonzales and Gary Gurian
Rusty and Bebe Grosse
Lu Ann Hall and Allen Sweet
Gloria and Robert Hall
Richard and Teresa Hamm
Allyson Handley
Jerry Harder
Larry and Cathie Hatter
Robert Hemphill and Leah Bissonette
Gisela Hill
Howard Charitable Foundation
John Hyland
Integral Communities
Jazzercise, Inc.
Steven and Lynn Jepsen
Paul and Pam Kelly
Kirby Kendrick and Robert McLeod
John and Mary Kerr
Christian Kleszewski
Judy La Bounty
Robin J. Lipman
The Margaret R. Seeley Charitable Foundation
Massey, Wehr & Company, LLP
Jill Meyerhofer
Linda Miller Leads
A. Fenner Milton
Mitchell Family Trust
Bruce and Ann Mortland
Katherine Mulderrig
Terri Murray
Richard and Margie Newell
The Nordson Corporation Foundation
Billie Nunan
Colleen O’Harra
Leonard Ozerkis and Arleene Antin
Pamela Palisoul
Paul Bechtner Foundation
Robert and Darlene Pickrel
Victoria and David Povall
Pratt Memorial Fund at Union Bank
Alex and Meg Preston
The Allison and Robert Price Family
Price Philanthropies Foundation
Pro-Cal Lighting, Inc.
Steve and Marijane Relth
ResMed Foundation
Glenn and Joyce Reynolds
Rick and Cheryl Robinson
Valya Roenko
Peter and Deborah Rogers
Marty and Mary Rombotis
Sally Rorick-Orlando and Rick Orlando
Samuel I & John Henry Fox Foundation
The San Diego Foundation
Mary Scherr and Marvin Sippel
S.D. Malkin Properties, Inc.
Sempra Energy Foundation
Seth Sprague Educational & Charitable Foundation
Brian and Jeri Sipe
Spectrum Noir
Anne Speraw and Edward Parish
Gael and Jan Strack
TD Ameritrade
Jim Terry
Rudy and Elizabeth Van Hunnick
Ventana Big Sur, an Alila Resort
Visit Oceanside, Inc.
Walter and Betty Zable Foundation
Paul and Margene Weber
Cheryl Weiner
Peter and Janet Weiss
Wells Fargo
Regina Wilson
and Dave Wodehouse
Wood Partners, LLC
Zephyr Partners, LLC
Terri Zimdars
333 Pacific