Your Generosity Means The World To Us At OMA
It’s been an exciting year at OMA thanks to the incredible generosity of donors and members like you. We truly can’t do it without your support.
With your help, OMA continues to offer great exhibitions, art programming, and innovative events that inspire and connect our community. Arts education is an essential part of achieving success for our future leaders, and we thank many of you for sharing that vision too. Our Bus Campaign successfully raised funds to help offset a portion of the costs for ongoing museum school visits, and most notably the upcoming ArtQuest programming that reaches out to every fifth grader in Oceanside.
Thanks to a generous matching gift, many contributions to our Annual Appeal were doubled. Donations are still arriving as 2017 comes to a close, and there will be more names to add to the long list of people and organizations to thank for their generosity this year. Your donations boost student exposure to the arts, produce jaw-dropping exhibitions, and fund high-priority needs. Thank you for your inspiration and your support.
Donations, membership donations, and major gifts and bequests of $1,000 or above received as of December 18, 2017 are listed alphabetically below. Please note, if your gift came in after, we thank you too and will be updating this note of gratitude!
Marilyn Agredano
H. Clay and Paula Alexander
David and Jan Arnold
Baby Tattoo
Beach House Winery
Betty Scalise Foundation
Van Ray and Sara Botts
Michael J. Brennan
Althea Brimm
Bringe Restated Trust
Rebecca Brown and Ed Rose
Phil and Jean Burns
California Arts Council
Sandra Chanis
and John Cadman
Rocky and Mary Chavez
Joann Clark
Robert Clark
and Kathlyn Mead
Christopher Clevering
Coastal Community Foundation
County of San Diego
Thomas and Constance Curtin
Bram and Sandy Dijkstra
Robin Douglas
and Jim Mullady
Edward Jones Financial Investments
Fred Elledge
Carl and Christina Fredericks
Helen Frey
Gigi Gleason
Michelle and Gary Gonzales
Donna Greenbush
Rusty and Bebe Grosse
Lu Ann Hall and Allen Sweet
Allyson Handley
Jerry Harder
Larry and Cathie Hatter
Gisela Hill
Jazzercise, Inc.
Steven and Lynn Jepsen
Jerome Joyce Cutler Shaw Family Foundation
Paul and Pam Kelly
Blake and Jerry Kern
Christian Kleszewski
Hugh and Judy La Bounty
Ward and Michele Lewis
Robin J. Lipman
Maximum Mortgage
and Real Estate
David Mickelson
A. Fenner Milton
Maidy Morhous
Bruce and Ann Mortland
Katherine Mulderrig
Richard and Margie Newell
The Nordson Corporation Foundation
Billie Nunan
Patrick and Janet Nunan
David Nydegger
and Marta Hall
Oceanside Art Gallery
Outdoor Art Foundation
Pamela Palisoul
Ben and Ava Payne
Robert and Darlene Pickrel
Larry and Debra Poteet
Victoria Richart-Povall
and David Povall
Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
Bill and Marisa Rastetter
Glenn and Joyce Reynolds
Jo Rittenhouse
and Gary Cunningham
Rick and Cheryl Robinson
Peter and Deborah Rogers
Marty and Mary Rombotis
Sally Rorick-Orlando
and Rick Orlando
The San Diego Foundation
S.D. Malkin Properties Inc.
Mary Scherr and Marvin Sippel
Marcia Schuster
Margaret Seeley
Charitable Foundation
Sempra Energy Foundation
Doug Simay
and Sharon Province
Margaret R. Simpson
Ving and Valya Simpson
Pamela Smith
A Soothing Seed
Kevin and Ellen Stotmeister
Gael and Jan Strack
Marie Tartar
and Steve Eilenberg
Jim and Ermie Terry
John and Sandra Todd
Tri-City Medical Center
Rudy and Elizabeth
Van Hunnick
Veterans Art Project
Veterans United Foundation
Visit Oceanside, Inc.
Walter and Betty Zable Foundation
Paul and Margene Weber
Cheryl Weiner
Knox Williams
Keith York
and Jessica Hanson-York
Terri Zimdars