SDVAN: DNA of Creativity


April 12–August 3, 2014

In Groves Auditorium
Collaboration with San Diego Visual Arts Network (SDVAN)

Using the disciplines of art and science equally and collaboratively, DNA of Creativity will bring awareness to important global and local concerns that require creative solutions. Over a two year period nearly 40 artists and scientists have been working together to develop thi s exhibition and future initiatives resulting in four teams: Sea Changes: ACT, Urban Succession, PolyAesthetic Mapping: The Muses (PAMM) and View Art Now. Sea Changes: Act will address critical ocean changes, fluctuating climate conditions, plastic pollution and sustainable fishing through a series of installations and interactive stations. Urban Succession, a team that focuses on re-wilding animals into urban settings, will display a video of creatures in the wild using their artistic and functional habitats along with indoor and outdoor sculptures. PAMM will illustrate the idea that art and science do not live in a particular aesthetic category through an interactive app that allows visitors to map common objects such as a desk or a painting and a collection of glass sculptures that embody the nine muses. And finally, View Art Now will display a mobile application especially created to allow greater access to the events and programs of visual art resources throughout San Diego County. Through the documentation of each team's project, this exhibition will educate visitors about how creativity happens while inspiring environmental activism and fostering discovery and learning in the field of art and science. DNA of Creativity is a project developed by the San Diego Visual Artists Network.

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