2022 art auction preview exhibition
JUNE 18–July 31, 2022
Juried by Hugh Davies and Maria Mingalone
Nearly 80 works by notable artists will be on view in the Art Auction Preview Exhibition. This pop-up exhibition will be open during regular museum hours for individuals to experience the work that will be available for online bidding.
Online bidding now open through 5:00pm, August 1.
As a preview for the virtual silent art auction, this pop-up exhibition presents an eclectic selection of artwork offering a rich and welcoming experience for those new to art, longtime museum-goers, artists, art students, or simply the curious. Click here to learn more about the virtual silent Art Auction.
This auction is a rare opportunity to collect artworks from prominent Southern California artists. Pricing will be approachable for collectors at any level. This event brings in critical funds that allow OMA staff to explore new and unexpected opportunities with their innovative exhibition program celebrating the work of artists from LA to TJ. Dozens of impressive works by notable artists will be up for bidding online, providing a great opportunity for aspiring and established collectors to add exceptional art to their collections. All selected works will be part of an exhibition at OMA for seven weeks prior to the close of the silent auction at 5:00pm on August 1.
Together we can create opportunities for the regional arts community to thrive!
Wayne Adachi
Geoff Allen
Alvaro Alvarez
Morey Asato
Warren Bakley
Don Bartletti
Donald Britton
Robert Xavier Burden
Kerry Campbell
Alison Carlo
Alexandra Carter
Rhya Cawley
Sandra Chanis
Margaret Chiaro
Steven Ciezki
Christopher Conroe
Susan Coppock
Doug Crozier
Barbara Davies
Jennifer Dees
Allison Renshaw
Gail Roberts
June Rubin
Heidi Rufeh
Jiela Rufeh
Julia San Roman
Rosa Sandoval
Lynn Schuette
Cory Sewelson
Madeline Sherry
Jeremy Sicile-Kira
Henry Strause
Cheryl Tall
Angelika Villagrana
Durre Waseem
James Watts
Stephen Wilkens
Brady Willmott