OMA’s fourth Teeny Tiny Art Mart was a huge success!
1,691 donated Teeny Tiny artworks
794 artists
100% of the proceeds supports OMA’s education initiatives that provide thousands of students annually with transformative arts-based experiences.
You've made a big impact, one teeny tiny artwork at a time!

Mario A
Jessica Abby
Angela Abril
Rose Adella
Talia Adlam
Lisa Adlam
Maite Benito Agahnia
Adrian Aguirre
Ariel Aguirre
Maddy Aiken
Peyton Aitken
Laura Albiston
Wendy All
Micheline Allen
Joanna Allen
Deena Altman
Jessica Alvarez
Alex Alvarez
Vinny Alvarez
Theodoew Amidsi
Ellen Anderson
Tracey W. Andreae
Dean Andrews
Cynthia Angulo
James Arbogast
Rockee Arendariz
Michael Armenta
Taylor Armstrong
Charles Arnoldi
Elle Arnot
Susana Arvizu
Morey Asato
Emma Auroura
Fabian Ayala
Leila B.
Karin Baay
Alexsandra Babic
Deijah Bailey
Victoria Baker
Alexandra Balteaear
Linda Bannan
Elizabeth Bannenberger
Lilly Banse
Ruby Barbano
Sofia X. Bardin
Kirk S. Bargur
Daniel Barranca
Laurie Batter
Jaycee Bautista
Ellen Beacon
Sophia Bear
Pamela Benham
Caroline Benkendorf
Lina Benner
Brayden Bennett
Petra Bennett
Beate Bermann
Caleb Bevera
Kathy Bifulco
Charlotte Bird
Ava Blakespear
Shannon Blemberg
Serena Bocchind
Aila Boger
Mike Bonnan
Nora Bono
Preston Bock
Aurora Borealis
Luciana Borins
Doreen Borseth
Robert Boyd
Abby Bradley
Chris Brayton
George Spicer Bredehoft
Avery Keller Briet
Dominique Briet
Elli Brink
Daniel P Brogan
Susan Brown
Amy Brown
Scott Bruckner
Morgen Brunner
Carol Buckley
Mia Burge
Karen Burstein
Lily Bustamante
Ayla Busto
Kristen Bustos
Keyley C
Mahalia Cady
Lucy Caliri
Bob Callahan
Clare Calman
Alex Calmoc
Kay Candler
Janell Cannon
Nicholas Caperina
Cindy Carrillo
Alberto Carrillo
Jamie Carrillo
Merce Carroll
Christina Lynn Carter
Silvia Castillo
Rhya Cawley
Farrah Chance
Bailer Chandler
Joyce Chaney
Sandra Chanis L.
Dave Chapman
Richard B Chau Davis
Denise Chavez
Leila Chehade
Jason Chen
Jim Christenson
Doug Clark
Ashton Claugh
Maddie Clert
There’s Alcohol Involved Club
Kim Cobb
Renee Cohen
Roberta Cohen
Henrietta Colby
Alexandra Collins
Dana Collum
Zaniyah Colores
Suzie Concors
Dave Condit
Debbie Conduit
Christina Conway
Michelle Cook
Richard T. Cooper
Jessica Cooper
Trevor Coopersmith
Porche Copeland
Susan Coppock
Erin Corbin
Lorraine Marie Cote
Jay Crawford
Layla Crawford
Allen Cromes
Lisa Croner
Bert Cross
Sonia Cruz
Jaylene Cruz
Crystal Daigle
Liberty Dannenberger
Riley Davenport
Gray Davey
Bella De Santiago
Lawrence de Valmy
Irene de Watteville
Sheila Del Real
Ashley Delgado
Rebecca DeLong
Alyssa Demere
Demi DeSantiago
Trulyours Designs
Shelley Devine
Wendy DeVuyst
Miguel Diaz
Karen Diaz
Andrew Diaz
Michael Dicken
Ellen Dieter
Kai Dionne
Chona Dionne
Xavier Dionne
Sofia Dionne
Toby Do
Sydney Dodecki
Kayla Doherty
Karla Dominguez
Makenzie Domino
Delilah Domino
Cailin Doose
Christa Doss
Sandy Dreisewerd
Cate Dudley
Mike Dudley
Dwight Dudzinski
Brooklyn Dumas
Becca Dwyer
Aurelienne Dzulynsky
Issac E
Gail Eason
Jo-Lind Eckstein
Kirra Eddington
Dana Edwards
Teresa Ellis
Lani Emanuel
Joanne Ericson
Alaya Esguerra
Rachelle Farber
Holly Fassino
Ethan Fassino
Cadence Fees
Edwin Felvin
Dori Firman
Beverly Fisher
Dean Fleming
Emily Fleming
Cynthia Flores
Juan Flores
Armida Flores
David Fobes
Andrea Forgnone
Kathy Fortenberry
Parker Franco
Barbara Frangas
Mary Franta
Irwin Freeman
Page Frei
Daniel Frey
Aiyana Frierson
Patricia Frischer
Polly Fukuhara
Carolyn Funes
Sasha Furlan
Matthew G.
Stephanie Gallacher
Shannon Gallagher
Michaela Garcia
Iris Garcia
Nalena Garcia
Jill Gardner
Coco Gardner
Duke Gardner
Emily Garry
Vanessa Gerardi
Deborah Gerrish
OMA Ghost
Jayden Gibbs
Robert Gideon
Phaya Gifford
Linda E. Gillen
Mark Gillen
Le Gillen
Emily GIlmore
Emma Godbee
Lyla Goedert
Silas Gogue
Lia Gogue
Kayden Gomes
Karla Rocio Gonzalez
Abigail Goodman
Janet Goodrich
George Goodrich
Aahgenae Gorbea
Michele Gorcey
Skye Grabeil
Alicia Gracia
Susi Graff
Wendy Graham
George Grant
Henry Grant
Julia C.R. Gray
Reginald Green
Ann Greenan
Gianni Grilles
Rose Gritton
Savannah Groostick
Yasmin Guerrero
Rachel Gurr
Jared Gutieruez
Melady Gutieruez
Becky Guttin
Laurie Guy
Genesis Guzman
Hudson H
Julie Habelmann
Kenny Haberman
Nancy Hacker
Debbie Hagen
Jessica Haider
Lucca Hall
Beverly Halsey
Kathleen Hamilton
Cheryl Hamilton-Gray
Roger Hamto
Ken Hansen
Susan Hansen
Kimberly Hansler
Madison Hardy
Evie Harris
Mela Harris
Mia Harrison
Teri Haskins
Cathie Hatter
Karen Haub
Diane Hayden
Joyce Hayes
Gay Heart
Shay Hebshi
Barbara Hendricks
Amy Hendricks
Pam Hendricks
Denise Hering
Evangeline Hernandez
Fiorella Herrera
Kerstin Hesse
Barbra Higelin
Pamela Hilldebrand
Larissa Hikel
Alex Hogan
Dunya Holland
Myah Holmes
Lin Holzinger
Kenton Hoppas
Brooke Colon Houn
Kristie Howard
Brooklyn Howard
Drew Howard
Chase Hoy
Kelli Hranek
Ning-Chiao Hsu
Amelia Hu
Mary Kiel Huff
Kristi Hughes
Hailey Husman
Ellie Hyde
Maya Iskandar
Daniel J
Jack Jacinto
Angela Jackson
Brent Jacobs
Megan Jaffe
Johana Jardon
Barbara Jarman
Marylou Jentinson
Jordy Jimmerson
Keda Johnson
Andrew Johnson
Heather Johnson
Krentz Johnson
Karen Johnson
Trinity Johnson
Jake Johnson
Catherine Johnston
Kingston Jones
Georgia Jones
Ruby Jones
Oliver Jones
Joshua Joshua
Steven June
Greg Kalajian
Grace Kalberer
Jen Karches
Sherry Karver
Michelle Kaskovich
Julia Kaueta
Claudia Kazachinsky
Keana Keana
Pat Kellen
Ioane Kelly
Kevin Kelso
Kirby Kendrick
Blake Kern
Jack Kerr
Mary Kerr
Pat Killen
Stacey King
Elliot King
Dawn Kinnear
Samantha Kinsey
Denise Kinyon
Connie Kinyon
Susie Kisling
Mayme Kline
Brian Kluck
Taylor Kluck
Susan Kogan
Quorra Kohler
Sheri Kraus
Sherry Karver
Bonnie Krichbaum
Caroline Kroeger
Karen Krugman
Paul Kuhn
Bronte Kunkler
Bella L
Olivia Lamberty
Ava Land
Shariet Landeros
B.J. Lane
Gianna LaPonte
David Laso
Suzette Lau
Lauren Lauret
Ashley Lavarreda
Benjamin Lavender
Susan Lawson
Lacey Leidd
Lauren LeVieux
Sharlene Lewis
Stephanie Lewis
Fan Li
Ellery Libby
Tey Lin
Cindy Lindberg
Jessica Lindzy
John Linthurst
Susan Little
Susan Logan
Steven Lombardi
Alexandra Lombardi
Emily Lopez
Mizi Lopez
Bentzy Lopez
Vanessa Lopez
Chrysanne Lowe
Alice Lowe
Sarah Luan
Cay Lucas
Jennifer Luce
Elisa Lupa
Wyatt Lusher
Sandy Buenrostoo Lutt
M. M.
Nadya M
Crista M
Peggy Magee
Caitlyn Mahan
Trinh Mai
Tanya Maldonado
Natalie Malone
Donne Manning
Carol Mansfield
Wylie Manzare
David Marchetti
Alan Marin
Jazmin Marsella
Shannon Martin
Ilona Martin
Delaynie Martin
Fred Martinello
Anthong Martines
Angelina Martinez
Izamar Martinez
Valerio Martinez
Erika Maru
Jodi Massie
Hennassie Mata
Brandy Matias
Rachel Mattesich
J. Mattews
Richard Mayer
Kira Maziek
Joanne McCamy
Angelina McCarroh
Tanya McCart
Maddie McCart
Jack McCarthy
Sonia McCarthy
Mark McCormick
Eileen McCullough
Gavin McCurry
Deloss McGraw
Patrick McGuire
Maryanne Mcguire
Sydney McIntyre
Christine McKee
Taylor McMillian
Phyllis McNeese
Nayelli McPherson
Caidyn McVerma
Charlene Meeker
Mattew Meilczarek
Paula Mendell
Ingrid Mendoza
Linda Pozzuoli Merica
Desiree Meta
Ria Meyer
Rita Miglioli
Laurie Mika
Marcos Mirahda
Samuel Mirsky
Lori Mitchell
Sadie Moench
Joseph Molano
Ada Moll
Eric Monsivals
Giana Monte-Ortaggio
Moonlight Chapter - National Charity League
Keva Moore
Cindy Morgan
Maidy Morhous
Allan Morrow
Barbara Mortkowitz
Madeline Morton
Gillian Moss
Sarah Moss
Dr. Yasaman Mostajeran
Gilman Mueck
Cheech Murphey
Kristi Murray
Katelyn Musgrove
Astrid Mussi
Melissa Nabulsi
Bella Najera
Mark Nakanishi
Brock Nearents
Kyra Nearents
Micah Nedd
Annalise Neil
Greg Nelson
Louis Nestman
Britt Nevetsky
Andrew Nguyen
Wesley Nielson
William Nielson
Sienna Nielson
Bryce Nihill
Kyrstin Nihill
Jane Norris
Mary Northridge
Andrew Nyugen
Marty O
Esmeralda Ocampo
Vanessa Oceguera
Diane O'Connell
Annika O'Conner
Paula Ogren
Fabian Ojeda
Donna Olager
Janet Olivio
Mary Olson
Susan J. Osborn
Rolando Osorio
Kathleen Ossiander
Beverly Oster
Denisha Y. Ovalle
Sean P
Gaby Pacheco
Carson Packard
Austin Ace Medina Packeco
Melania Parker
Jack Passmore
Thatcher Payne
Eliana Taumoe Peau
Ali Pendleton
Camilla Perez
Jojo Peyton
Linda Phillips
Maxwell Plummer
Jacob Priesto
Debra Prigatano
Olivia Prior
Tiffany Rami
Christian Ramirez
Darla Ramirez
Karla Ramirez
Katherine Ramos
Susie Raymond
Daniel Reia
Roxanne Remmel
Allison Renshaw
Virginia Rerr
Danielle Richhof
Maleah Rider
Hart Rieckhof
Jillene Rios
Genesis Perez Rivera
Tatiana Lopez Rivera
Jan Roberts
Claudia Robinson
Arely Roblero
Kevin Robles
Chloe Grace Roche
Janelle Rochester
Kimberly Rodriguez
Lili Rodriguez
Joan Rodriguez
Daniel Rodriguez
Karen Rohlin
Taylor Rohlin
Mary Rolnick
Jan Rolston
Anita Romaine
Arlen Roper
Linda Rosa
Angel Garcia Rosales
Santiago Rosas
Christina Rosenthal
Maddie Roth
Rick Roth
Barbara Roth
Cathy Rowan
June Rubin
Harper Rubish
Ella Ruckdaschel
Heidi Rufeh
Pat Rugg
Bella Ruiz
Barbara Runge
Ryan Russell
V. S.
Emilia Sadeghi
Ginger Sage
Liliana Sainz
Kate Samec
Michele Samuels
Julia San Roman
Diego Sanchez
Malillani Sanchez
Payton Sanders
Aileen Santana
Favian Sarcia
Carmen Saunders
Tonya Savice
Anna Sawa
Anne Sawrell
Laura Schoemehl
Carol Schumacker
Noema Schwab
Barb Schwartz
Steven Schwartze
Elena Scott
Sherri Scott Studios
Jairo Segovia
Taiyo Sehoo
Coral Seipp
Shannon Seranella
Cory Sewelson
Ismat Shahid
Dylan Shaw
Laurie Sheahan
Anya Sheppard
Opal Sheth
Sanyia Shinholster
Emily Silva-Mota
Susan B. Simmonds
Jaroslava Simmons
Arms Simon
Patti Slattery
Olivia Slyke
LaRetta Small-Zamora
Natalie Smiley
Noelle Smiley
Laura Smith
Beth Smith
Sandra Smith
Howard Smith
Jack Smith
Jean Snow
Sky Snyder
Alexander Solorio V.
Marely Soto
Denise Souza
Don Spargur
Kitty Sparrow
Annette Speed
Claire Sproule
Lily Stafford
Anthony Stasa
Daniel Steele
Corrine Steiger
Dana Stoddard
Peggy Stokes
Cali Stone
Lyndelle Stonick
Abby Strain
Sora Sturdevan
Skip Sturdevan
Natalia Sudac
Maryelleu Sulek
Claire Sussex
Robert Swanson
Phyllis Swanson
Venki Ta
Elizabeth Tate
Eliana Taumoefeau
Chandler Taylor
Emily Teasley
Lorrie Teates
Ozzy Tellez
Jaxxyn Thomason
Valerie Thompson
Sandy Thornten
Diane Tindall
Debby Titlow
Patricia Titus
Suzanne Tobey
Susi Torre-Bueno
Ellie Torres
Emma Tovar
Suzanne Tractenberg
Rick Tralger
Julie Tran
Liliana Travers
Deborah Truesdell
Noi Tsimis
Zane Tui...
Arlene Tuttle
Zoey Tyszka
Maria UH
Devorah Ungerleider
Liat Vaisben
Ela Vaisben
Liz Vaishen
Cedric van Eenoo
Isela Vargas
Genneva Vasquez
Brandon Vasquez
Damien Vasquez
Micah Velasquez
Angel Vernal
Trish Vernata
Presley Verrett
Noel Vertrees
Crystal Villanueva
Rocio Villanueva
Georgie Villarreal
Eva Ruiz Villicana
Sara Ruiz Villicana
Sarah Vita
Larry Vogel
Collin Volpe
Lori Vouros
Ayda Walsey
Beverly Walsh
Avery Walton
Sybil War
Emma Watson
Diana Weber
Paul Weber
Silvia Weidman
Lorie Welch
Lauren Werner
Shelli West
Mason Westlund
Helena Westra
Silvia Wiedmann
Dylon Wilcox
Britta Wilder
Hana Wilhousky
Stephen M. Wilkens
Toni Williams
April Williams
Alana Williams
Susan Williams
Rachael B. Wilson
Bonnie Zoe Winn
Ramona Winnant
B. J. Witz
Frank Wofford
Xavier Xavier
Olivia Yarcher
Andrew Yonghans
Andrew Levan Yungham
Levon Yunghans
Lane Yunghans
Evan Yungland
Antonia Zacarias
Madeline Zapar
Noraa Zenger-Snaw
Peggy Sue Zepeda
Kelly Zijlstra
Zoe Zumbro
- February 14: All artwork will be on display at OMA, the week before the online sale opens
- February 18, 6:00pm: Virtual sale starts
- February 21, 11:00am: Buyers may begin to pick up purchased artwork; artwork will be removed from display as it sells
- March 10, 11:59pm: Virtual sale closes
- The virtual sale closes Sunday, March 10, 5:00pm
- Each artwork is $25 plus platform and processing fees (approx. 7%)
- All sales are final
- All artwork measures exactly 5 inches tall x 5 inches wide
- Artwork is not signed on the front, the artist will remain a mystery until the artwork is purchased
- All submissions are original works of art
- Buy with your heart, art is for everyone!
- After March 10, unsold artwork will be sold through the Museum Store
Thank you for participating in our virtual sale! It is now officially closed until next year.

Teeny Tiny Art Mart 2024 submissions are now closed. Thank you to all artists and art enthusiasts of all ages who have submitted artwork in support of our arts education initiatives.
Many thanks to our Teeny Tiny Sponsor, Paul A. Kelly and Teeny Tiny Underwriter, OOLY.

Frequently Asked Questions
OMA is using an auction-oriented platform to host this sale, but it is NOT an auction and you will NOT be bidding on artwork. All artwork can be purchased at $25 plus processing platform and fees (approx. 7%). Once you purchase the artwork, it is yours and cannot be purchased or bid on by anyone else.
Yes! The virtual sale of work will start at 6:00pm on Sunday, February 18. Artwork must be paid for via BetterUnite's secure check out system. Artwork cannot be purchased in person at OMA until after the fundraiser closes at 11:59pm on March 10.
Click “REGISTER HERE” at the top of this page to get started. You must enter your credit card information to register to purchase artwork.
If you are already registered, click “Already Registered?” at the top of this page or at the top of the Auction page to log in to your personal sale page, preview the art, and purchase.
The external dimensions of the artwork are an exact 5 inch by 5 inch square.
Yes! Go to the sale page here. Click the link at the top that says “View the Virtual Sale Here” and you will see a list of items with photos*. On each item’s photo or title to expand the image and learn more about the artwork.
Artwork will also be on display starting Wednesday, February 14 at OMA and throughout the sale during regular museum hours: Wednesdays-Sundays 11:00am-5:00pm, with extended hours to 8:00pm on Fridays.
*All artworks for sale will be completely uploaded by Tuesday, February 12.
Some artworks are framed and/or ready to hang, but not all. Click here to email a staff member if you have questions about specific artworks.
Follow the instructions above under “TO PURCHASE ART WHEN THE SALE IS OPEN” on the sales page. When you are taken to the sales page you can click “Browse Items” at the top of the page, then “Items Still Available”.
As many as you like! Starting at 6:00pm on February 18, a “Buy Now” button will be added to each artwork listing. By clicking that button, you will have purchased the artwork! Your credit card will be charged at the end of the business day.
The sale closes at 11:59pm on March 10, 2024.
Payment must be made directly through our secure checkout page on the BetterUnite platform. You must pre-register your card to purchase artwork. Purchases will be finalized and credit cards will be charged weeknight evenings throughout the duration of the sale.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express via the secure checkout page on the BetterUnite platform.
We encourage you to pick up your artwork from OMA in person. Artwork can be picked up at OMA starting Wednesday 21, during OMA’s regular business hours:
Wednesdays-Sundays, 11:00am-5:00pm, with extended hours to 8:00pm on Fridays.
Please be prepared to present the purchase confirmation email or text message, either as a physical print out or showing the email on your phone, to front desk staff.
If you will need the artwork to be shipped to you, after completing your purchase please contact a staff member or call (760) 435-3721 to make shipping arrangements. Shipping fees will vary depending on the number of artworks purchased, starting at $15.
By clicking to buy, you have agreed to the sale procedures and have entered into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. OMA is not liable for any occurrence resulting from the use of purchased items or services. All sales are final. Refunds or exchanges are not allowed.
Every effort has been made to describe all items accurately. Still, all items are sold “as is” and without warranty or representation of any kind regarding the description, authenticity, value, or fitness of items.
Please contact OMA at (760) 435-3730 or click here to email a staff member with any additional questions or concerns.