The production of stellar programming is growing by leaps and bounds at OMA and we need your help to keep up with the demands. It takes a lot to provide over 25,000 visitor experiences every year through vibrant exhibitions, remarkable education programs, and engaging events.
We Need Your Support To Keep Producing Stellar Exhibitions And Programs
Not only will your contributions add up to make a big difference at OMA, you’ll love the warm fuzzy feeling that comes with building your community. Click here to contribute to the growing success at OMA.
· $25 could purchase an event permit for one of the public programs at the museum
· $110 could help refresh the gallery walls with a fresh coat of paint
· $200 could fund exhibition signage for one of our galleries
· $315 could put a class of students on a bus to experience Art at OMA
· $710 could keep us connected through monthly internet and phone service
· $1,000 could help support one Music at the Museum event
· $1,500 could sponsor one free Sunday at OMA
· $2,250 could support the cost of supplies to install one of our many exhibitions
· $3,750 could underwrite the publication and distribution of one ViewPoint Quarterly
· $5,000 could help sustain a year of free admission for kids or active military
Your Gifts Combine With Others For Even More Impact—Thank You For Making A Donation
Your Donation Could Multiply—AGAIN!
Check with your employer to see if they offer corporate matching gifts. Thank you in advance for your generosity in supporting arts and culture.
If you’d prefer not to make your donation online, click here for a printable form you can use and drop off your 100% tax-deductible contribution in person or pop it into an envelope and mail it to the museum at 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside 92054